Mr Yuk Poison ControlPoison Control Help Hotline

I remember as the kids were growing up, I had a Mr. Yuck sticker everywhere in the house.  We are talking all phones, refrigerator, bathroom mirrors etc.  It was even programmed into the cell phones.  Mr. Yuk was the number to call if the kids accidentally swallowed something they should not have.  It was the POISON CONTROL hotline (800- 222-1222) for the kids. PS: Call for adults and seniors as well.


But did you know there a such a thing for pets?  I wished I did six years ago for my cat, Griffin.  He got into the garage and walked through garden chemicals.  I tried to wash his paws.  You know how well that goes with a cat.  Long sleeves did not protect my arms from the scratching.  Apparently I did not do a good enough job and he licked his paws clean.  When all said and done, I wished I knew about the PET POISON hotline.  It is not free like Mr. Yuck, but they can walk you through potential scenarios.  I think of them as an Urgent Care for pets before I run to the emergency room.

I don’t know how many friends I have heard stories from telling me how their loved pets had ingested this or that and the consequence of this unfortunate event.

Here is their site   or give them a call 855-764-7661.

Pet Poison Hotline

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