Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get you more time.    -Jim Rohn
Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get you more time.    -Jim Rohn
I am a Time Warrior.  When I work, I work hard. When I play, I play harder. I have learned when and where to spend my time. I have learned that once you spend time, you do not get it back. Unfortunately, that is what many entrepreneurs do not realize.
Many business owners spend hours managing their business books. Why? Because they do NOT want to do it. They pile receipts in a box and then scramble at the end of the month or quarter trying to sort through all these items. That is time away from the family and stress to manage the books – not to mention stress on a daily basis managing their business. When you own your own business, managing your books is a necessary evil. Then there are taxes – death and taxes! Payroll taxes, sales taxes, and federal taxes. Countless hours, days, and weekends are spent trying to manage this. More time and more stress. I have figured out how to be a Time Warrior with the books and the taxes. So let’s trade. It’s a win-win situation. Allow me to work on your bookkeeping and taxes. This frees you up to relax, spend time growing your business, and spend time with your family. What do I get out of this? More time with my family, more time relax, more time to travel. Our trade allows me to be my own Time Warrior. Having organized and reviewed many clients ledgers and taxes, I gained knowledge and experience in areas that you, as a business professional, would rather not spend time doing. Let me share my experiences and knowledge with you. In this process, let me save you time and money. Let’s talk and we can work together to get your more time and more money.